Happy Fall everyone! Yesterday was such a beautiful day. I opened the slider and let the breeze come in as I worked on my painted shoes and outfits for the upcoming fashion show. I hope that you will get your ticket today for the November 1st "Metamorphosis" fashion show at the Republic of Artists. It is an event you won't want to miss. I'll be showing two outfits- one is a more casual look, combining black and white with a pop of red scarf. The second look is what you would think about wearing on a night out in Miami Beach! The look features my hand-painted large silk scarves wrapped to create an evening look. It is amazing what you can do by simply wrapping fabric! You have to get to the show to see it. Hope to see you there! Click the link on my page for "Metamorphosis" Fashion Show for more details. Have a very Happy Halloween weekend! I'll be suiting up as Wonder Woman.... ;)