I'm definitely pumped up after the Cavs game last night and this just took me to a new level of excited...I got a wonderful message from a client the other day---this is what keeps me loving what I do, thank you for letting me share my art with you!
Note I received: "Every day I work together an outfit you created and I've never felt so put together from jewelry to clothes. My 11 year old son even made a comment and compliment on my shirt and jewelry. I am so grateful for you help with these looks and I don't think I'll go to a store again as I prefer online...Thank you times a million for making me feel so put together and stylish." - Laura S.
***One more thing, please email me photos of you wearing your favorite R.Levine piece or snapping a pic in your space if it's home decor. I'm going to pick a variety of them to display on my new site! Just a quick pic, however you like. Can't wait to see them!! Thanks! Email to rebecca@rlevine.net